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Новсти АвтоЧип.RU

28.01.2025Обновлены каталоги чип-тюнингаМарок автомобилей: 65.
Тюнинг программ: 7166, в том числе дизель - 2737, бензин турбо - 1599, заводской тюнинг и Stage-2/3 - 1661, грузовики и трактора - 796.

Isuzu, Kenworth - Cummins CM2450Разработаны программы тюнинга и отключений систем DPF / EGR / TVA / AdBlue для грузовиков Kenworth, Isuzu, Dodge 2020+ двигателями 6.7-15.0TDI на контроллерах Cummins CM2450.Подробнее »

Тюнинг файлы с графиком мощности
Isuzu NPR 5.2TDI 204hp 2023 18.01 
VW Polo 1.6TDI 90hp 2020 21.11 
Daewoo Prima 11.1TDI 420hp 2020 16.11 
Volvo FH D13K460 12.8TDI 2020 30.09 
GreatWall Poer 2.0TDI 2022 22.08 
Dodge Ram 405hp 6.7TDI 2022 08.08 
Volvo FMX 12.8TDI 420hp 2021 06.08 
MB GT 4.0TT 585hp 2021 04.08 
Dodge Ram 3.0TDI 2021 27.07 
MB Actros 3363 15.6TDI 2023 20.07 
Dongfeng 2236X8 4.0TDI 2023 18.07 
Volvo B8R 7.8TDI 350hp 2018 Stg1-Eco 11.07 

Чип тюнингАвто Чип .RU

Расшифровка диагностических кодов ошибок

Легковые OBD2: P / U или грузовые J1939:

Диагностические коды неисправности группы "NOX"

P065D - Reductant system malfunction lamp - circuit malfunction Wiring. reductant system malfunction lamp. ECM (NOx)
P065E - Intake manifold air control actuator. bank 1 - performance problem Wiring. intake manifold air control actuator. ECM (NOx)
P065F - Intake manifold air control actuator bank 2 - performance problem Wiring. intake manifold air control actuator. ECM (NOx)
P0660 - Intake manifold air control solenoid. bank 1 - open circuit Wiring. intake manifold air control solenoid. ECM (NOx)
P0661 - Intake manifold air control solenoid. bank 1 - circuit low Wiring short to earth. intake manifold air control solenoid. ECM (NOx)
P0662 - Intake manifold air control solenoid. bank 1 - circuit high Wiring short to positive. intake manifold air control solenoid. ECM (NOx)
P0663 - Intake manifold air control solenoid. bank 2 - open circuit Wiring. intake manifold air control solenoid. ECM (NOx)
P0664 - Intake manifold air control solenoid. bank 2 - circuit low Wiring short to earth. intake manifold air control solenoid. ECM (NOx)
P0665 - Intake manifold air control solenoid. bank 2 - circuit high Wiring short to positive. intake manifold. ECM (NOx)
P1288 - Cylinder Head Temp Sensor Out Of Self Test Range / NOX Sensor Offset Too High
P1954 - Automatic Glow Time Control Module 2, Electrical Circuit Malfunction (Mercedes: NOx Sensor Fault)
P1955 - Glow Plug Control Module 2 to PCM Comm. Circuit (Mercedes: NOx Sensor Fault)
P2000 - Nitrogen oxides NOx trap. bank 1 - efficiency below threshold NOx trap
P2001 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) trap. bank 2 - efficiency below threshold NOx trap
P201A - Reductant injector. unit 1. bank 2 - circuit range/performance. ECM (NOx)
P201B - Intake manifold air control actuator. bank 1 - supply voltage low Wiring. intake manifold air control actuator. ECM (NOx)
P201C - Intake manifold air control actuator. bank 2 - supply voltage low Wiring. intake manifold air control actuator. ECM (NOx)
P201D - Intake manifold air control actuator. bank 1 - internal malfunction Wiring. intake manifold air control actuator. ECM (NOx)
P201E - Intake manifold air control actuator. bank 2 - internal malfunction Wiring. intake manifold air control actuator. ECM (NOx)
P202A - Reductant tank heater control - open circuit Wiring. reductant tank heater. ECM (NOx)
P202B - Reductant tank heater control - circuit low Wiring. reductant tank heater. ECM (NOx)
P202C - Reductant tank heater control - circuit high Wiring. reductant tank heater. ECM (NOx)
P202D - Reductant leakage. ECM (NOx)
P202E - Reductant injector - circuit range/performance Wiring. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P202F - Reductant supply control - circuit range/performance. ECM (NOx)
P2037 - Reductant injection air pressure sensor - circuit malfunction Wiring. reductant injection air pressure sensor. ECM (NOx)
P2038 - Reductant injection air pressure sensor - range/performance problem Wiring. reductant injection air pressure sensor. ECM (NOx)
P2039 - Reductant injection air pressure sensor - low input Wiring short to earth. reductant injection air pressure sensor. ECM (NOx)
P203F - Reductant level - low. ECM (NOx)
P2042 - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit malfunction Wiring. reductant temperature senso. ECM (NOx)r
P2043 - Reductant temperature sensor - range/performance problem Wiring. reductant temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P2044 - Reductant temperature sensor - low input Wiring. reductant temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P2045 - Reductant temperature sensor - high input Wiring. reductant temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P2046 - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit intermittent Wiring. reductant temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P2047 - Reductant injector 1. bank 1 - open circuit Wiring. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2048 - Reductant injector 1. bank 1 - circuit low Wiring short to earth. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2049 - Reductant injector 1. bank 1 - circuit high Wiring short to positive. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P204C - Reductant pressure sensor - circuit low Wiring. reductant pressure sensor. ECM (NOx)
P204D - Reductant pressure sensor - circuit high Wiring. reductant pressure sensor. ECM (NOx)
P204E - Reductant pressure sensor - circuit intermittent/erratic Wiring. reductant pressure sensor. ECM (NOx)
P204F - Reductant system. bank 1 - performance problem. ECM (NOx)
P2050 - Reductant injector 1. bank 2 - open circuit Wiring. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2051 - Reductant injector 1. bank 2 - circuit low Wiring short to earth. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2052 - Reductant injector 1. bank 2 - circuit high Wiring short to positive. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2053 - Reductant injector 2. bank 1 - open circuit Wiring. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2054 - Reductant injector 2. bank 1 - circuit low Wiring short to earth. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2055 - Reductant injector 2. bank 1 - circuit high Wiring short to positive. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2056 - Reductant injector 2. bank 2 - open circuit Wiring. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2057 - Reductant injector 2. bank 2 - circuit low Wiring short to earth. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2058 - Reductant injector 2. bank 2 - circuit high Wiring short to positive. reductant injector. ECM (NOx)
P2059 - Reductant injection air pump - open circuit Wiring. reductant injection air pump. ECM (NOx)
P205A - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit malfunction Wiring. reductant tank temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P205B - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit range/performance Wiring. reductant tank temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P205C - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit low Wiring. reductant tank temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P205D - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit high Wiring. reductant tank temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P205E - Reductant temperature sensor - circuit intermittent/erratic Wiring. reductant tank temperature sensor. ECM (NOx)
P205F - Reductant system. bank 2 - performance problem. ECM (NOx)
P2062 - Reductant supply control - open circuit Wiring. ECM (NOx)
P2063 - Reductant supply control - circuit low Wiring. ECM (NOx)
P2064 - Reductant supply control - circuit high Wiring. ECM (NOx)
P20E6 - Reductant injection air pressure - pressure too low. ECM (NOx)
P20E7 - Reductant injection air pressure - pressure too high. ECM (NOx)
P20E8 - Reductant pressure - pressure too low. ECM (NOx)
P20E9 - Reductant pressure - pressure too high. ECM (NOx)
P20EA - Reductant control module power relay - performance malfunction. ECM (NOx)
P20EB - Reductant control module power relay - performance malfunction. ECM (NOx)
P20EC - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. catalyst. bank 1 - overtemperature condition Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20ED - Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor. pre-catalyst. bank 1 - overtemperature condition Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20EE - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. catalyst. bank 1 - efficiency below threshold Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20EF - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. pre-catalyst. bank 1 - efficiency below threshold Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20F0 - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. catalyst. bank 2 - overtemperature condition Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20F1 - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. pre-catalyst. bank 2 - overtemperature condition Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20F2 - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. catalyst. bank 2 - efficiency below threshold Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20F3 - Nitrogen oxide NOx sensor. pre-catalyst. bank 2 - efficiency below threshold Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P20F4 - Reductant consumption - consumption low. ECM (NOx)
P20F5 - Reductant consumption - consumption high. ECM (NOx)
P2200 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1 - circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P2201 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1 - range/performance problem Wiring. NOx sensor
P2202 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1 - low input Wiring short to earth. NOx sensor
P2203 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1 - high input Wiring short to positive. NOx sensor
P2204 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1 - intermittent input Wiring. poor connection. NOx sensor
P2205 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater control - open circuit Wiring. NOx sensor
P2206 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater control - circuit low Wiring short to earth. NOx sensor
P2207 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater control - circuit high Wiring short to positive. NOx sensor
P2208 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater sense circuit - malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P2209 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater sense circuit - range/performance problem Wiring. NOx sensor
P220A - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 1. bank 1 - supply voltage circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P220B - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1 - supply voltage circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P220C - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 1. bank 2 - supply voltage circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P220D - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 2 - supply voltage circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P2210 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater sense circuit - low input Wiring short to earth. NOx sensor
P2211 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater sense circuit - high input Wiring short to positive. NOx sensor
P2212 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 1. heater sense circuit - circuit intermittent Wiring. poor connection. NOx sensor
P2213 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2 - circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P2214 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2 - range/performance problem Wiring. NOx sensor
P2215 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2 - low input Wiring short to earth. NOx sensor
P2216 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2 - high input Wiring short to positive. NOx sensor
P2217 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2 - intermittent input Wiring. poor connection. NOx sensor
P2218 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater control - open circuit Wiring. NOx sensor
P2219 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater control - circuit low Wiring short to earth. NOx sensor
P2220 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater control - circuit high Wiring short to positive. NOx sensor
P2221 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater sense circuit - circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P2222 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater sense circuit - range/performance problem Wiring. NOx sensor
P2223 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater sense circuit - circuit low Wiring short to earth. NOx sensor
P2224 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater sense circuit - circuit high Wiring short to positive. NOx sensor
P2225 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor. bank 2. heater sense circuit - circuit intermittent Wiring. poor connection. NOx sensor
P229E - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2. bank 1 - circuit malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P229F - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2. bank 1 - circuit range/performance Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A0 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2. bank 1 - circuit low Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A1 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1 - circuit high Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A2 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2. bank 1 - circuit intermittent/erratic Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A3 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2. bank 1. heater control - open circuit Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A4 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater control - circuit low Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A5 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater control - circuit high Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A6 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater sense circuit - malfunction Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A7 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater sense circuit - range/performance problem Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A8 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater sense circuit - circuit low Wiring. NOx sensor
P22A9 - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater sense circuit - circuit high Wiring. NOx sensor
P22AA - Nitrogen oxides NOx sensor 2. bank 1. heater sense circuit - circuit intermittent Wiring. NOx sensor
P248A - Reductant heater A. sense circuit - circuit low Wiring. reductant heater. ECM (NOx)
P248B - Reductant heater A. sense circuit - circuit high Wiring. reductant heater. ECM (NOx)
P248C - Reductant heater B. sense circuit - circuit low Wiring. reductant heater. ECM (NOx)
P248D - Reductant heater B. sense circuit - circuit high Wiring. reductant heater. ECM (NOx)
P249C - Excessive time to enter closed loop reductant injection control. ECM (NOx)
P249D - Closed loop reductant injection control. control limit reached - low flow detected. ECM (NOx)
P249E - Closed loop reductant injection control. control limit reached - high flow detected. ECM (NOx)
P2BA7 - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - reductant tank empty Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P2BA8 - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - interruption of reductant metering Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P2BA9 - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - insufficient reductant quality Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P2BAA - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - low reductant consumption Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM
P2BAB - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - incorrect EGR flow Wiring. NOx sensor. EGR valve / EGR valve actuator.ECM
P2BAC - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - EGR deactivated Wiring. NOx sensor. EGR valve/EGR valve actuator.ECM
P2BAD - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - cause unknown
P2BAE - Nitrogen oxides NOx limit exceeded - NOx control monitoring Wiring. NOx sensor. ECM

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